101 East Main Street Barnesville, Ohio 43713
Medical Health
Compassionate and comprehensive healthcare is provided by physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners.
We offer the following adult health services:
Same day routine and acute appointments
Management of chronic conditions
After hours access to your care team
Online electronic access to your medical record
Laboratory services
Pharmacy assistance
X-ray at OHHC - Woodsfield
Patient Education
COVID-19 vaccines and testing
Expanded hours for patient convenience
Walk-ins welcome
Financial assistance
Referral services
Compassionate and comprehensive healthcare for your child is available locally. Provided by physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners.
We offer the following child health services:
Well child check-ups
Same day routine and acute appointments
After hours access to your care team
Online electronic access to your medical record
Expanded hours for patient convenience
Walk-ins welcome
Financial assistance
Diabetic education
Health screening
Osteopathic Manipulation Treatment (OMT), a hands-on technique to diagnose, treat, and prevent illness or injury, is used by osteopathic physicians (DO). Using OMT, a DO moves a patient's muscles and joints using techniques, such as stretching, gentle pressure, and resistance.
As a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Holly Overmiller provides OMT to ease pain, promote healing, and increase overall mobility, as well as helping patients with a variety of health problems, such as asthma, sinus problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, and migraines. Dr. Overmiller visits all five Ohio Hills Health Centers. Call (740) 239-6447 to schedule your appointment.